Vertical Divider
British Columbia Yukon Territory Nunavut Territory |
Below you will find the data produced by the British Columbia Resource Estimate Mapping project created using the NTS (National Topographic System) grid cell data commonly used throughout Canada. The data has been made available to you to download and use for personal, academic and business use in order to assess and identify geothermal resource potential. The data is intended to serve as a geothermal exploration tool for making informed business decisions and mitigating investment risks.
The Google Earth program is required to view the following maps. Click here to download a free copy of Google Earth.
Methods & Data Sources
Geothermal Resource Estimate Maps of British Columbia Following the Global Protocol – Methods and Data Sources
The Google Earth program is required to view the following maps. Click here to download a free copy of Google Earth.
Methods & Data Sources
Geothermal Resource Estimate Maps of British Columbia Following the Global Protocol – Methods and Data Sources
BC Geothermal Resource Estimate Maps Methodology Report (2014)
Download File |
A Protocol for Estimating and Mapping Global EGS Potential (2014)
Download File |
* Please note that the Methods & Data Sources report is not a summary of the analysis of the data, but is rather a summary of the methodology used to produce the British Columbia Resource Estimate Maps.
Data Coverage
Data Coverage
*It should be noted that all of the stated values are approximate and are only relevant to the data that we have available and thus do not fully represent the entire geothermal potential of British Columbia.
The NTS system is a grid that has a cell size of 15’ latitude and 30’ longitude that divides British Columbia into individual grid cells. The local thermal structure is estimated for each of the grid cells using a 1D heat conduction model, and then the total potential in the region is estimated by summing together the discrete estimates of each cell. As there is a significant amount of data available for North East BC, this area has been highlighted in the summary.
The British Columbia Resource Estimate Maps project has included an estimate of Theoretical and Technical Potential as detailed by the methodology in the Global Protocol for Estimating and Mapping Geothermal Potential. Theoretical and Technical Potential are defined as follows:
Below the following graphs and table you will find further information and descriptions concerning the classification of Inferred and Indicated Resources. Summary graphs and table are presented with corrected bottom hole temperatures.
The NTS system is a grid that has a cell size of 15’ latitude and 30’ longitude that divides British Columbia into individual grid cells. The local thermal structure is estimated for each of the grid cells using a 1D heat conduction model, and then the total potential in the region is estimated by summing together the discrete estimates of each cell. As there is a significant amount of data available for North East BC, this area has been highlighted in the summary.
The British Columbia Resource Estimate Maps project has included an estimate of Theoretical and Technical Potential as detailed by the methodology in the Global Protocol for Estimating and Mapping Geothermal Potential. Theoretical and Technical Potential are defined as follows:
- Theoretical Potential: an estimate of “the physically usable energy supply over a certain time span in a given region. It is defined solely by the physical limits of use and thus marks the upper limit of the theoretically realizable energy supply contribution” (Rybach, 2010). In practice, Theoretical Potential was estimated from the total available heat in the accessible crust, assuming 100% recoverability over a 30 year time-frame, and a temperature-dependent conversion efficiency from heat to electricity.
- Technical Potential: “the fraction of the theoretical potential that can be used under the existing technical restrictions… structural and ecologic restrictions as well as legal and regulatory allowances” (Rybach, 2010). In practice, Technical Potential was derived from the Theoretical Potential by assuming a physical limit to heat recoverability and allowable temperature drawdown.
Below the following graphs and table you will find further information and descriptions concerning the classification of Inferred and Indicated Resources. Summary graphs and table are presented with corrected bottom hole temperatures.
British Columbia
Following the Canadian Geothermal Code for Public Reporting, the Reporting Code maps represent the level of confidence that has been assigned to the data found within each grid block. This was done by analyzing the data points according to the Reporting Code and subsequently classifying each block as an Inferred or an Indicated Resource, suggesting a lower or higher level of confidence, respectively.
A Geothermal Resource is a geothermal play that exists in a form, quality and quantity that there are reasonable prospects of eventual economic extraction. The location, quantity, temperature, geological characteristics and extent of the Geothermal Resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological knowledge and evidence. Geothermal Resources are subdivided in order of increasing confidence into:
The Inferred category is intended to cover situations where a Geothermal Play has been identified and limited measurements and sampling completed, but where the data is insufficient to allow the extent of the Geothermal Resource to be confidently interpreted. It is based mainly on indirect measurements, such as the extrapolation of temperature profiles (to a reasonable degree and on a rational basis) and other associated measurements such as rock properties and heat flow, and requires a reasonably sound understanding of the subsurface geology in three dimensions derived, for example, from geophysical surveys, to indicate temperature and dimensions.
An ‘Indicated Geothermal Resource’ is that part of a geothermal resource that has been demonstrated to exist through direct measurements that indicate temperature and dimensions so that recoverable thermal energy (MWth-years) can be estimated with a reasonable level of confidence. Thermal energy in place has been estimated through direct measurements and assessments of volumes of hot rock and fluid with sufficient indicators to characterize the temperature and chemistry. Direct measurements are sufficiently spaced so as to indicate the extent of the thermal energy in place.
The Reporting Code was prepared by the Canadian Geothermal Code Committee and published in 2010. It is a required minimum standard for public reporting. If you would like to obtain a copy of the Code, please visit the “Code."
Google Earth Maps
The Google Earth program is required to view the following maps. Click here to download a copy of Google Earth. The maps were generated from uncorrected (that is, conservative) bottom hole temperatures.
Temperature at Depth Maps:
- British Columbia Data Summary
- Deep Systems: 1,000m – 6,000m
- Shallow Systems (Direct Use): 100m – 500m
Technical Potential Maps:
- British Columbia Data Summary
- Technical Potential for Low (5%), Medium (14%) and High (20%) Recovery from 2,000-6,000m depth
- Reporting Code (Indicated Resources)
Theoretical Potential Maps:
- British Columbia Data Summary
- Theoretical Potential from 3,000-6,000m depth
- Reporting Code (Indicated Resources)
Land Use Maps:
- British Columbia Data Summary
- British Columbia Subsurface Favourability Score
- Land Use Layers
Supplemental Maps:
- British Columbia Data Summary
- Annual Average Ambient Air Temperature at Surface
- Temperature at Basement
- Heat Flow Maps (at Surface and at Basement)
- Temperature Gradient Maps from 1,000-6,000m depth
- Conductivity Maps from 1,000-6,000m depth
- Heat Generation Maps from 1,000-6,000m depth
Priority Exploration Areas
A Geothermal Resource is a geothermal play that exists in a form, quality and quantity that there are reasonable prospects of eventual economic extraction. The location, quantity, temperature, geological characteristics and extent of the Geothermal Resource are known, estimated or interpreted from specific geological knowledge and evidence. Geothermal Resources are subdivided in order of increasing confidence into:
- Inferred Resources
- Indicated Resources
- Measured Resources
The Inferred category is intended to cover situations where a Geothermal Play has been identified and limited measurements and sampling completed, but where the data is insufficient to allow the extent of the Geothermal Resource to be confidently interpreted. It is based mainly on indirect measurements, such as the extrapolation of temperature profiles (to a reasonable degree and on a rational basis) and other associated measurements such as rock properties and heat flow, and requires a reasonably sound understanding of the subsurface geology in three dimensions derived, for example, from geophysical surveys, to indicate temperature and dimensions.
An ‘Indicated Geothermal Resource’ is that part of a geothermal resource that has been demonstrated to exist through direct measurements that indicate temperature and dimensions so that recoverable thermal energy (MWth-years) can be estimated with a reasonable level of confidence. Thermal energy in place has been estimated through direct measurements and assessments of volumes of hot rock and fluid with sufficient indicators to characterize the temperature and chemistry. Direct measurements are sufficiently spaced so as to indicate the extent of the thermal energy in place.
The Reporting Code was prepared by the Canadian Geothermal Code Committee and published in 2010. It is a required minimum standard for public reporting. If you would like to obtain a copy of the Code, please visit the “Code."
Google Earth Maps
The Google Earth program is required to view the following maps. Click here to download a copy of Google Earth. The maps were generated from uncorrected (that is, conservative) bottom hole temperatures.
Temperature at Depth Maps:
- British Columbia Data Summary
- Deep Systems: 1,000m – 6,000m
- Shallow Systems (Direct Use): 100m – 500m
Technical Potential Maps:
- British Columbia Data Summary
- Technical Potential for Low (5%), Medium (14%) and High (20%) Recovery from 2,000-6,000m depth
- Reporting Code (Indicated Resources)
Theoretical Potential Maps:
- British Columbia Data Summary
- Theoretical Potential from 3,000-6,000m depth
- Reporting Code (Indicated Resources)
Land Use Maps:
- British Columbia Data Summary
- British Columbia Subsurface Favourability Score
- Land Use Layers
Supplemental Maps:
- British Columbia Data Summary
- Annual Average Ambient Air Temperature at Surface
- Temperature at Basement
- Heat Flow Maps (at Surface and at Basement)
- Temperature Gradient Maps from 1,000-6,000m depth
- Conductivity Maps from 1,000-6,000m depth
- Heat Generation Maps from 1,000-6,000m depth
Priority Exploration Areas
If you are unable to use Google Earth to view the maps, or prefer to view images of each, you will find a PDF document of all of the maps created for this project below:
If you are unable to use Google Earth to view the maps, or prefer to view images of each, you will find a PDF document of all of the maps created for this project below:
BC Database
Below you will find the databases used for the generation of the British Columbia Resource Estimate Maps.
Below you will find the databases used for the generation of the British Columbia Resource Estimate Maps.
BC Database - for academic multi-use licenseThe database used for the BC Resource Estimate Maps is available for purchase. The download includes the following three data sets in .csv format:
BC Database - For personal/private useThe database used for the BC Resource Estimate Maps is available for purchase. The download includes the following three data sets in .csv format:
Geothermal Energy: The Renewable and Cost Effective Alternative to Site C 2014
The purchase of this report includes a summary backgrounder.
Backgrounder - Geothermal Energy: The Renewable and Cost Effective Alternative to Site C
A short summary of the key findings.
Direct Utilization of Geothermal Energy 2014
CanGEA produced its first document on the direct use applications, or non-electric utilization, of geothermal heat. The purpose of the report is to bring tested, cutting edge, and internationally renowned direct use applications to Canada’s nascent geothermal industry. In 242 pages, the report covers a variety of possible applications including, but not limited to, greenhouses, aquaculture facilities, other food-related applications, district heating systems, pools and spas, and ice and snow melting. There are four sections that offer inspiration and primary instruction on designing and implementing a direct use project. Part I provides an overview of possible direct use applications; Part II outlines project development and design guidelines; Part III displays geothermal resources in Canada; and Part IV discusses direct use applications and opportunities in a Canadian context.
This 25 page document is a compilation of historical data collected from Canada’s 157 known thermal springs. It includes valuable information including the approximate location, water chemistry, temperature, and volumetric flow readings of most thermal springs in Western Canada. CanGEA’s improvements to past work include verification of and updating all values that are publicly available. The CanGEA project also made use of the data in two geothermometers to estimate reservoir temperatures and heat flow. Thermal springs for which sufficient data is not currently available have also been identified with the expectation that future surveying and sampling may be conducted to fill knowledge gaps. Meta data is also available in a spreadsheet format and is expected to be released later in 2015 (included in the cost of the Thermal Springs in Canada report).
Of special interest to the Mining sector, this document includes single sample readings for silica, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, lithium, chlorine, sulphate, and bicarbonates. A growing international trend is to harvest these valuable commodities via the co-production of geothermal power and heat.
Of special interest to the Mining sector, this document includes single sample readings for silica, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, lithium, chlorine, sulphate, and bicarbonates. A growing international trend is to harvest these valuable commodities via the co-production of geothermal power and heat.
Biography of Geothermal Resource Assessment Lead, Qualified Person
Bio of Dr Daniel Yang |
Biography of Peer Reviewer, Qualified Person
Bio of Dr Graeme Beardsmore |
Distinct from other geothermal resource maps developed in Canada, the maps follow international guidelines already adopted in the U.S., Australia, South Korea, Spain, and Europe and have been adapted for compliance with the
Presented to the public in a universal mapping platform and centralized national geothermal database, the project deliverables also provide a means to share, collaborate or update data necessary for making informed business decisions.