The October 1-2 conference includes a session on scaling geothermal power deployment and will feature speakers such as Bryant Jones from Geothermal Rising and John Redfern from Eavor. More details, including registration info here. Alberta
The event is planned for 17-18 September 2024 at the Hudson event centre. More details here. Federal
It has come to our attention that legislative amendments have been proposed which would impact our tax credit. We are currently in discussions with NRCan, tax professionals, and Policy-level members to determine the extent of the impact, and what would need to be included in our feedback to FinCan before the deadline. Policy-level member may read our draft letter here to provide comments -- due for submission on September 11th. The symposium has been announced to take place at GRC 2024 in Waikoloa, HI. More details available here.
The purpose of our reach-out was to set up a discussion about which NRCan programs are currently supporting geothermal projects, and which programs are open for project applications. CanGEA will be providing an update to Policy-level members when we receive more information. British Columbia
The Act has the potential to affect geothermal projects. We encourage Policy-level members to review and provide feedback on the survey questions here - due for submission September 16th. Inclusive in the report are identified policy gaps in Canada and recommendations at a high-level. We encourage industry stakeholders to read the full report here.
CanGEA has drafted comments on Directive 065 and they are due to be submitted by September 16, 2024. We encourage Policy-level members to review the comments and reach out to provide any input. CanGEA is not intending to comment on Directive 071 unless members reach out with input. British Columbia
In the draft Thermal Energy System (TES) guidelines, CanGEA had requested clarification on the intent behind a proposed eligibility for regulatory exemption checkbox that, "There is no agreement or arrangement granting the TES Provider exclusive rights to own or operate the TES." Geothermal development projects require relatively high levels of capital expenditures and reservoir specialists— without the enablement of TES Providers to own and operate the system, the risks for developers and investors to harness geothermal resources are too high. As a result, BCUC has made the following adjustment, "The attestations with respect to Exclusivity in Appendix A, which state “There is no agreement or arrangement granting the TES Provider exclusive rights to construct, own, or operate the TES” and “There is no agreement or arrangement granting the TES Provider exclusive rights to own or operate the TES” are replaced by one attestation that states “There is no arrangement granting the TES Provider exclusive rights to provide service (e.g. mandatory connection)." This is a preferential outcome, as it streamlines the TES application, while allowing geothermal developers to confirm their customers with an energy purchase agreement. Further, the adjusted language provides for geothermal developers to own and operate the utility system, avoiding the less desirable scenario of being forced to hand it over to another firm that would have to adapt to a steep learning curve and data gap. Following this update, CanGEA submitted an additional submission - in reply to the submissions of other interveners. We expressed out thanks to BCUC for addressing our concerns, as well as provided a few short comments on other submissions. The public may view the proceedings here. |
November 2024