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The Yukon, mostly known for its history in the gold rush era, is exploring its geothermal potential in a new partnership by the government and a first nation. A long time of advocacy on behalf of the Canadian Geothermal Energy Association for geothermal development is now paying off. Following news on a new partnership on geothermal between the government of the Yukon through the Yukon Geological Survey and Ta’an Kwäch’än – a first nation, efforts by the Canadian Geothermal Energy Association (CanGEA) finally seem to pay off. To read the full story, click here. November 20, 2017
Tapping into Earth's Natural Heat - CanGEA and Borealis GeoPower Inc. featured in the Nunavut News11/16/2017
CanGEA and Borealis GeoPower Inc. were recently featured in the Nunavut News regarding their bid for the Nunavut Geothermal Feasibility study. To download and read the article, click here! Or, see image below.
December 2020