CanGEA has recently been featured in a Daily Oil Bulletin article. The article discusses different types of geothermal systems and gives detailed information about the opportunities of repurposing oil/gas wells. You can read the full article here.
The Alberta Electricity System Operator (AESO) is the body responsible for the planning and operation of Alberta's electricity system. They have been tasked with developing and implementing a plan to increase renewable energy capacity in Alberta, consistent with the 2030 target set out in the Provincial Government's Climate Leadership Plan.
AESO rechaed out to stakeholders, including CanGEA, for their input on the structure of Alberta's renewable electricity program. CanGEA sees this as geothermal’s opportunity to become the important part of Alberta’s renewable energy conversation. You can have a look at our submission here. The public consultation period for the BC Climate Leadership Plan will close on March 25. If you are a resident of BC or want to do business in BC, this is your opportunity to let the CLP panel know that geothermal should be one of BC's tapped energy resources. You can find more information and get engaged here. Please have a look at our submission here for some sample talking points.
CanGEA's Pre-Budget 2016 Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance was accepted and is what can be described as the “definitive guide to why the geothermal energy industry has not kept pace with wind and solar in Canada.” We encourage you to read it here.
The direct use workshop in Valemount has been a great success. Almost 100 interested participants listened to presentations by Alison Thompson (CanGEA), Tonya "Toni" Boyd (Geo-Heat Center) Craig Dunn (Borealis GeoPower), Bernie Karl (Chena Hot Springs) and Mike Sato (Sea to Skye Onsen Inc.). The event was covered by the Rocky Mountain Goat. You can read the full article here. If you have missed the workshop and want to listen to Alison Thompson's presentation about direct use applications for geothermal energy, you can have a look here.
CanGEA offers exciting opportunities for its student members this summer. A summer internship program will provide successful applicants with the possibility to make a difference in Canada's energy landscape and gain valuable work experience in the geothermal industry.
The internships will run for up to 16 weeks and will be coordinated by CanGEA. Interested students can register their interest in the program here until Feb 26. Suitable candidates will be selected by CanGEA and offered an internship during the following weeks. If you are not a member yet, you can apply for membership here. British Columbia has begun public consultations for their Climate Leadership Plan. Right now you have the opportunity to let the panel and the BC government know that geothermal energy can be part of BC's energy mix. You can read CanGEA's statement here.
. Alison Thompson, chair of CanGEA, was interviewed by CBC Radio Canada. The written article focuses on Alberta's framework on climate change and the role geothermal energy can play for Alberta and Canada. The full article is accessible here.
CanGEA's chair was recently interviewed by the Canadian Mining & Energy Magazine. The article focuses on the recent downturn of the commodity market and highlights CanGEA's and the Energy Future Lab's role in these challenging times. "Slowdowns in the commodities market have a way of altering firm opinions and traditions as little else can. Today, it is no longer economical for many corporations to continue in the coal and oil business, let alone launch new liquid natural gas projects. So if Canada is not to fall even further behind, we and our resource industries need to adapt to the new reality and find ways to transition our vast knowledge, training and skills that have served us well in the past so we can again become energy leaders in a very different world." Read the full article here.
CanGEA is organizing a spectacular trip to Iceland in the first half of 2016. Corporate members are able to take advantage of substantial travel subsidies. Get more information here and RSVP today, as spots are limited. Individual members, student members and media partners are also welcome to attend the trip but will not be eligible for the corporate member subsidy. They will, however, be able to take advantage of our group pricing discounts.